Try our selection and improve your apiary
Royal Cells
our royal cells are raised by strong and populous starters to whom we always guarantee a rich and complete diet so that future queens can grow at their best. They are essential for creating new nuclei or replacing old queens. You can come directly to the company to collect your cells.
PRICE: €5.00+VAT
Virgin Queen
Virgin queens from selected mothers, unlike royal cells can be shipped
PRICE: €8.00 +VAT
Queens F1
Fertile queens, mated in apiaries saturated with drones from our male lines. Daughters of selected mothers are extremely useful in guaranteeing you a productive and performing apiary. You can also use them as male lines in your breeding or insemination apiaries.
PRICE: €20.00+VAT
Queen Inseminated F0
Crossbreed selections made on the farm with instrumental insemination. The starting strains, with known ancestry, derive from the most well-known or innovative European buckfast lines.
Contact us for information
Instrumental Insemination Service
In collaboration with AISSA we are defining the guidelines to activate the insemination service in your company. Stay updated by subscribing to the newsletter.